El Forn d'Alcedo

The festes of El Forn d'Alcedo take place in the second fortnight in July. A whole year’s worth of hard work results in the celebrations of the Immaculate Conception and the Santíssim Crist de l’Agonia.

The starting point of the party is the decoration of the arches set along the streets. This is followed by a fireworks display and a mass to honour the Mare de Déu del Carme on July 16th. The week starts with the tabalet (drum) and the dolçaina (a traditional musical instrument) while fruit is offered to those in need. It continues with mascletaes and paella contests in the evening among other activities and is always complemented by a late-night party. As was common in former times, the town is ornamented with flowers, and popular snacks are offered. There are also performances and inflatable castles for children.

Street life is the main activity on the last Sunday of the month, with processions in the early morning and parades and a mascletà after mass. An honorary procession departs from the Church Square, and fireworks bring an end to the festivities. This district also worships Saint Anthony the Abbot in January, when animals are blessed, reminding neighbours of the important links with the countryside and farming tasks.


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Festes de València Ayuntamiento de València