El Palmar

The hamlet of El Palmar in the southeast of the Albufera Lake celebrates the Immaculate Conception and the Santíssim Crist de la Salut in late July and early August. During the whole year, Mary’s Daughters (Filles de Maria) and the clavariesses prepare a festive programme which includes traditional games, a mobile disco, a paella contest, and traditional coques cristines (Valencian-style pizza). The high mass and the procession stand out among the religious activities.

In the unique festivity of the Santíssim Crist de la Salut, the clavaris organise religious and festive activities like the floral offering, a nit d'albaes (traditional songs’ night), a mass, a procession, fireworks, a paella contest, a parade, and the typical dishes of the Albufera, allipebre and coques. One of the most anticipated and symbolic events is the boat pilgrimage on the lake on August 4th. The image of Christ, followed by a procession of boats, sails the Albufera while joyful songs are sung. The procession boats are moored and the procession continues to the temple with the image of Christ being carried, while the crowds applaud and cheer. This spectacular and delightful festa attracts many tourists.

At Easter the villagers organise the procession of the Entombment in the evening of Good Friday.


1470340805Palmar Int1 700x350
2008 Cristo Palmar 52
A1 54093511
Festes de València Ayuntamiento de València