El Saler

The celebrations of El Saler take place in the first fortnight in August to pay homage to their patron saints, Saint Joseph and the Mare de Déu dels Desemparats. The Virgin’s devotees raise funds throughout the year to put together the festa programme which are printed out as a llibret (small book), copies of which are handed out to all the neighbours.

A fraternity dinner is the starting point of the holidays, and the main activities are held at night to avoid the summer heat. Different activities take place, such as dancing in the main square, paella contests, and traditional coques prepared with local products that are given to visitors.

Another long-awaited event is the parade, a genuine battle of confetti and sweets. At two in the afternoon on the second Sunday in August, the festa reaches its height with the day-time fireworks display, the mascletà, and a mass to pay homage to the patron saints at sunset. The lit-up images of Saint Joseph and the Virgin are taken in a procession, bringing an end to the holidays.


Festes de València Ayuntamiento de València